Have you ever felt the urge to enthusiastically hug someone or something with a running start? This is what is known as a Tacklehug and it is exactly this response I hope to evoke in you every time you see a one of my individually designed products.
I also offer private art classes to students aged between 4-13 years of age (if you are in the Adelaide area!)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sam's 4th birthday

We survived Sam's birthday party last Saturday, complete with 12 home made hobby horses for the kids to play with.  I found this amazing blog last week, and was inspired to do something similar, check out Hetty's (lightbluegrey blog)  horses (complete with other fantastic ideas) here.  It was nice to make an effort for our little 4 year old as he has missed out on having a big fuss made of him over the last few years due to moving house and last year the twins were only a few weeks old at this stage.  So it was Sam's turn to take centre stage and he and his lovely friends had a ball in the back yard with a few traditional games thrown in too. The horses were a big hit as was the "treasure hunt" to find them, we asked my sister to hide them around the backyard while pass the parcel was in progress, then the kids were told about 12 hiding horses in the backyard which they had to find!!! Madness and mayhem followed, with much excitement also and luckily the imaginative hiding places were all discovered and the kids went galloping off!
We are also blessed to have the best next door neighbour who can facepaint!!! Thanks to the lovely Vikki who met every 4 year old demand that was thrown her way.
Miss E feeding her horse some lunch.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Beautiful Babies!

Happy First Birthday my beautiful babies!  Two little wise owls are here to help us celebrate with you on your special day. xxxxxxxx mum-mum

3 little poppets

Another 3 dolls posted off to Queensland to 3 beautiful sisters.  I do hope they love them.

Crotchet Rug for the twins

Finally I have begun to learn how to crotchet! With thanks to my lovely Nanna, who is patiently teaching me the craft. These are my very first squares and I plan to make enough for two rugs before winter arrives: one for Grace with white joins and one for Oli with grey joins.  So far I have almost finished 20 squares, I think I'll need 160!  Oh dear, maybe I should aim for Winter 2012.....stay tuned!

Here is Nanna with Grace, who was in fine "stare bear" form and gave Nanna the giggles as she was completely outstared on this morning.

It was so lovely that Grace was not only happy to be held by Nanna but was really really enjoying the bond as she never, ever, ever is happy to be held by anyone outside me, Rex, mum, dad and my sister.  Nanna has always had the touch, and still does!