Have you ever felt the urge to enthusiastically hug someone or something with a running start? This is what is known as a Tacklehug and it is exactly this response I hope to evoke in you every time you see a one of my individually designed products.
I also offer private art classes to students aged between 4-13 years of age (if you are in the Adelaide area!)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dawn Tan Icecreams!

Since reading Frankie magazine I have discovered an amazing artist by the name of Dawn Tan.  I have contacted Dawn to ask permission to use this wonderful Giant Icecream idea in some of my own art classes, and as she said Yes!  Hooray!! (Thank you SO much Dawn).

I have tried it out on Charlie and Sam.  They absolutely LOVED making their giant banana, caramel and choc chip (with sparkly star topping) icecream.  Only problem is, it doesn't taste too good.  I'm running some holiday classes and may just incorporate this idea into the lessons!  If it's sunny, I'll have to remember to bring some real icecream and cones to eat while the paint is drying.  Shhh, don't tell the kids, or the mums and dads for that matter!
I really loved Charlie's idea of making it drip in the summer sun!  Here is the finished product:
Yummmo, almost good enought to eat!