Have you ever felt the urge to enthusiastically hug someone or something with a running start? This is what is known as a Tacklehug and it is exactly this response I hope to evoke in you every time you see a one of my individually designed products.
I also offer private art classes to students aged between 4-13 years of age (if you are in the Adelaide area!)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Colouring journal

Just for mum and nanna!

It's such a lovely warm spring day today, so we spent the morning in the park.  Now the big boys are off downstairs to jump through the sprinkler! Stay tuned for photos!

Milayna and Sydney

Sydney, the snow bunny with her pet rabbit in her pocket.
Milayna, complete with horseshoe in her pocket!

Friday, September 17, 2010

W is for Wabbit

Love this bunny! Perhaps something to do with our boxes for next Easter! Check out this for more inspiration.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

rattle and roll

A happy customer with his new rattle. Oli is now rolling all around the place when he is released from the stroller so it's rather lovely when he is just happy to sit and play with his new toy!

Originally made for our stall this weekend at Rainbow Pre School, Winmalee but I think these will have to be prototypes as I am trying to get some better wooden rings to use instead of these - these are just curtain rings but haven't been sealed with beeswax or linseed oil and I don't know the type of wood used so best keep them as displays or rattles only!