Have you ever felt the urge to enthusiastically hug someone or something with a running start? This is what is known as a Tacklehug and it is exactly this response I hope to evoke in you every time you see a one of my individually designed products.
I also offer private art classes to students aged between 4-13 years of age (if you are in the Adelaide area!)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

My little drummer boy

Our last week in the Blue Mountains was spent madly trying to pack boxes, buy/make christmas/farewell/birthday gifts and holding our last Ticklebug/Tacklehug market stall at the Glenbrook Rotary Markets.  However, the absolute highlight of the week was being able to attend a rehearsal for the boy's Christmas Concert at pre-school.  The lovely staff included the boys for this performance as they were not able to make concert week due to our move interstate.  Sammy bought tears to my eyes as the Drummer Boy - a role which he took very seriously and Charlie shone as Joseph for the performance (very biased, I know!)  My camera doesn't seem to work too well indoors, but I love this photo of my little man, as it seems to capture the concentration it takes to keep the beat to "rumpa pum pum"

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